Section 3.1 Limitation on Dwellings and Subdivisions. No more than one dwelling unit and a separate guest house (if allowed by County zoning) shall be erected or maintained within any Lot. No Lot (notwithstanding any zoning ordinance or regulation to the contrary) shall be less than 35 acres in size. Prior to the Transfer of Control Date, any Lot may be replatted or otherwise subdivided with Declarant’s consent, which may be unreasonably withheld. After the Transfer of Control Date, any Lot may be replatted or otherwise subdivided into two or more lots without Declarant’s consent, provided, each lot after such subdivision contains at least 35 acres. The foregoing sentence shall not apply to or restrict Declarant’s rights to further subdivide lots owned by Declarant.
Section 3.2 Setback Area. No building, porch, eave, overhang, projection or other part of a building shall be located within thirty (30) feet of any Lot line. All construction must also conform to the building code, zoning code and subdivision regulations of Huerfano County, which regulations may vary from the provisions of this section and other sections.
Section 3.3 Exterior Materials and Colors. Exterior walls of all structures shall be constructed of or covered by quality materials such as clapboards, wood shingles, wood, stone, stucco or ,masonry. All exterior materials shall be of natural or earth tone coloring so as not to distract or contrast with the natural character of the surrounding landscape. No tar paper, tarred shingles or other types of tarred siding shall be allowed. “Natural or earth tone coloring” shall mean colors which are based in brown, beige and green and tones thereof, and of a color spectrum such that the use of the colors will not be obtrusive, and shall generally blend in with the colors of earth, rocks, and plants naturally existing on the Property.
Section 3.4 Rebuilding or Restoration. Any dwelling unit or other Improvement which may be destroyed in whole or in part by fire, windstorm or from any other cause or act of God must be rebuilt or all debris must be removed and the Lot restored to a sightly condition, such rebuilding or restoration to be completed with reasonable promptness and in any event within eighteen (18) months from the time the damage occurred.
Section 3.5 Fencing. All animals kept by a Lot Owner must be fenced within the boundaries of the Lot.
Section 3.6 Obstructions on Common Easements. No gates or obstructions will be placed upon or block any access road unless the access road terminates on the Lot Owner’s property. However, a Lot Owner may place, at his/her expense, a cattle guard on the common easement if the cattle guard is constructed to county road specifications and has a gate on one side of the cattle guard for use by vehicles, livestock, horses or persons otherwise using the road.
Section 3.2 Setback Area. No building, porch, eave, overhang, projection or other part of a building shall be located within thirty (30) feet of any Lot line. All construction must also conform to the building code, zoning code and subdivision regulations of Huerfano County, which regulations may vary from the provisions of this section and other sections.
Section 3.3 Exterior Materials and Colors. Exterior walls of all structures shall be constructed of or covered by quality materials such as clapboards, wood shingles, wood, stone, stucco or ,masonry. All exterior materials shall be of natural or earth tone coloring so as not to distract or contrast with the natural character of the surrounding landscape. No tar paper, tarred shingles or other types of tarred siding shall be allowed. “Natural or earth tone coloring” shall mean colors which are based in brown, beige and green and tones thereof, and of a color spectrum such that the use of the colors will not be obtrusive, and shall generally blend in with the colors of earth, rocks, and plants naturally existing on the Property.
Section 3.4 Rebuilding or Restoration. Any dwelling unit or other Improvement which may be destroyed in whole or in part by fire, windstorm or from any other cause or act of God must be rebuilt or all debris must be removed and the Lot restored to a sightly condition, such rebuilding or restoration to be completed with reasonable promptness and in any event within eighteen (18) months from the time the damage occurred.
Section 3.5 Fencing. All animals kept by a Lot Owner must be fenced within the boundaries of the Lot.
Section 3.6 Obstructions on Common Easements. No gates or obstructions will be placed upon or block any access road unless the access road terminates on the Lot Owner’s property. However, a Lot Owner may place, at his/her expense, a cattle guard on the common easement if the cattle guard is constructed to county road specifications and has a gate on one side of the cattle guard for use by vehicles, livestock, horses or persons otherwise using the road.