Attention Property Owners and Members of the Turkey Ridge Ranch Property Owners Association: This website is for information and convenience to keep you up to date with events and happenings and not as a sole source of the minutes and activities of the Board of Directors. Each POA member is 'snail mailed' or emailed the minutes, proxies, etc by the Secretary of the Association. If you are not getting this information, please use this website to contact the Board with a correct address, email and/or phone number. It is a great way to ask questions of the Board or to make suggestions by using the 'Contact Us' area. If you have received or receive any information or solicitations by an individual or group other than the Board members listed, please notify the Board immediately.
Turkey Ridge Ranch is a covenant controlled community. For land use and building requirements refer to current covenants above under the tab "Covenants/ByLaws". You can contact Building Inspector at
Phone: (719) 738-1220, x103.
See Article 2 of Restated Declaration of Covenants for minimum dimensions (width and length) required, along with building completion requirements. Absolutely no single wide homes are allowed. For additional questions or concerns please contact the Board of Directors.
For additional information or specific questions just call or email with questions or concerns.
Turkey Ridge Ranch POA
P.O. Box 809
Walsenburg, CO 81089-0809
email: [email protected]
We are located 19 Miles NE of Walsenburg, CO 81089
The "What's New" and "What's Happening" pages will give you info on your current board members and the upcoming events.
Meeting Minutes Archives
Latest Minutes below:
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